New Years Resolutions 2023
- by nooie shop
- 15 January, 2023
- 6 min read

New Years Resolutions 2023
At Nooie, we truly believe in creating a happy home. Not just through the products and solutions that we design, but through everyday living and family life. With 2023 here, we came across these amazing New Year Resolutions for Kids from Moonpreneur, an innovative education technology company focused on experiential learning. Check out the article below, and let’s all work towards creating a happy home.
Top 15 New Year’s Resolutions for Kids in 2023 by Moonpreneuer
Setting goals is a mental exercise that plays a critical role in a child’s growth since it teaches them to organize their time and resources. They learn to make commitments and how to keep those promises.
Usually, we set goals at the start of the year and those New Year resolutions are treated as an individual’s ambitions, however, a constructive and wider approach to resolutions can teach children to choose where they want to go in life. They learn to channel their energy, time, and resources into achieving their goals.
If you are looking for recommendations for family-friendly New Year’s resolutions, we have curated 15 resolutions replete with joy & happiness along with motivational elements!
15 simple yet effective New Year 2023’s resolutions that you can try with your child:
- Screen Free Day
Nowadays, we spend a lot of time with phones and gadgets, both for business and entertainment. Do you remember when was the last time you and your child spent a day together without watching television, laptops, or phones?
Pledge to take a break from screens for a day each month. Make the most of your time. Step out with your children, indulge in outdoor activities, spend time with nature, and bond with your children.
- Try Something Different
‘Something different or unique’ could be as simple as trying one new meal or participating in a new activity once a week. For instance, learning to make art pieces, weave, or draw. Have you ever desired to purchase a new musical instrument and learn it? It may be the year! You can select from a wide range of indoor activities.
Moreover, if you are a tech or robotics enthusiast and want to invest in a hands-on learning experience, do try some kits. Moonpreneur is offering fun learning kits that you can order from our store. The kit will help your child acquire a skill set and equip them for futuristic technologies. A perfect start to the New Year.
- Academic Resolution
This is a simple and achievable resolution. The offshoot could be learning time management, acquiring knowledge, working on feedback, and upskilling themselves. This will not only help your child improve academic performance, but it will also enhance their knowledge quotient, discipline them and make them goal oriented.
- Social Skills
Social skills are a must for everyone. We use social skills to interact and communicate with others and it can be learned and practiced. In the long run, it will play a crucial role in your child’s success and growth.
Some of the elements of social skills are observation, active listening, empathy, written & verbal communication, teamwork, and leadership. If they master this art, it will help them communicate effectively with their peers, and teachers. It will also help them in communicating their ideas and thoughts to others.
- Communication Skills
Nowadays, most recruiters are looking for strong verbal and written communication skills. Communication skills include speaking, listening, observing, and empathizing. Strong communication is like a magic wand, which comes in handy in dealing with complicated situations, people, etc.
- Gardening
This may sound off the track but gardening is a great fun learning process. If you have a garden/kitchen garden at home, it is wonderful or you can use pots to grow herbs, flowers, etc.
Gardening involves pruning, weeding, digging, watering, etc which are good for both upper and lower body muscles. Gardening also creates opportunities to apply science and math knowledge. So, this could be an unconventional yet beneficial resolution for your child.
- Physical Exercise
During COVID-19, children had fewer opportunities for physical activity. So, make a resolution to pursue a healthier lifestyle. Start physical activities such as yoga, rope skipping, squatting, etc. Prepare a list of the small and large goals your family would want to attain.
- Reading Activities
Reading should be one of the topmost New Year’s resolutions for children. Take a few minutes and think about how many unread books are there on your and your children’s bookshelves. When was the last time you visited a library? Use your free time to read books!
Pick up appropriate reading material for your children and encourage them to review and describe the book using only a reading chart or book notebook. There are several benefits of reading such as enhanced vocabulary, concentration, general knowledge, etc.
- Organizational Skills
You can invest your time and energy in instilling organizational skills in your child. Start by assigning them the task of organizing their room, schedule, goals, and ambitions. Simple chores such as scooping up toys, arranging socks, etc. as they are not tedious tasks. An organized person is good at problem-solving, task completion, and achieving goals.
Motivate children to prepare a schedule defining the everyday chores that must be accomplished. In fact, make it a family goal to become more regimented.
- Leadership Skills
Leadership skill is a must-have skill that remains beneficial throughout life. Children should learn it from a young age as it instills confidence in them while improving their decision-making and problem-solving skills. You can start by involving them in family decisions. Be a family activity, or select a movie for screening, allow your child to make the decision and take ownership of that.
So, this New Year, nurture your child’s leadership skills and encourage them to discover their strengths and weaknesses.
- Creative Thinking
Creative thinking is about innovative problem-solving. The process includes analyzing, brainstorming, and finding solutions. It is one of the most sought-after skills. You can enroll them in courses that will allow them to explore their creative side. For instance, Moonpreneur’s Innovator Program allows children to explore and innovate.
- Gratitude
It is important to learn to be appreciative of kindness or good fortune. It is easy to whine and crib but very difficult to appreciate what you have. Teach them to be grateful for their good fortune. Create opportunities for them to delight others by showering small acts of kindness.
They can do simple acts of kindness at home by helping their mothers in the kitchen, spending time with their grandparents, and cooperating with their parents in keeping the house organized.
- Inculcate the Habit of Savings
Children should start young and you can start with three jars approach – spending, saving, and investing. Later, you can open a savings account for them in a bank and allow them to save a small sum of money from their pocket money and deposit it regularly. If they save even a small sum every month, it will build up a great habit in the long run. Everyone can count their profits and make arrangements for the end-of-year surprise.
- Eco-friendly Lifestyle
An eco-friendly lifestyle is another important New Year’s resolution for kids. Living a “green” lifestyle is beneficial to the environment, your family, and even your finances. Ensure you are teaching them about recycling, segregating waste, etc. Encourage them to read books on the environment and climate change, and show them movies on the topic.
- Kindness is the Way Forward
COVID has turned our lives upside down and it posed many challenges for us. Many fell into a pit of melancholy in the aftermath of the pandemic. As a society, we should help others during trying times. So, instill compassion and empathy in your child.
Welcome the New Year 2023 with new resolutions of exploring kindness and teaching children how to exercise it. Make a family commitment to practice one random act of kindness each day.
A lot of people make New Year’s resolutions but very few can pursue them diligently. Your child should not be one of them. Make sure their resolutions are reasonable. While setting a resolution, develop a strategy. Find time each day to discuss family goals. This could help everyone in staying on track.
Hope our list of kid-friendly new year’s resolutions for 2023 will help you out! Have a great year!