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    Nooie Staff Resolutions 2023

    As a company, Nooie genuinely loves and values people. Our business, ethos and existence is based on having amazing people build our brand and products, and awesome people buying and sharing our products. Whether it’s a long-time employee or a new hire, a loyal customer or someone who just learned about us, we recognize that we’re a people-driven company.

    With this in mind, we would love to share some 2023 New Year resolutions with you from our beloved community.

    Ora, Nooie Brand Designer

    Our designers at Nooie sit at the core of what we do since we’re a design-centric brand. Ora works closely with our co-founder/Chief Design Officer to craft the Nooie brand you see.

    “For me, the most important resolution in 2023 is to be generous and willing to share my knowledge. Sharing makes what you have more valuable and meaningful. Setting specific timelines and measurable goals is the only way to avoid failure, and I also plan to read two books each quarter and to write articles on Medium about my learnings. Furthermore, I will continue mentoring anyone who is having difficulty in the design industry in order to encourage and make them feel more confident in themselves.”

    Sheryl, Nooie Loyal Customer

    We love our teachers, and Sheryl is a prime example of what’s good in the world. A selfless and honorable educator who values growth, mindfulness and health.

    “I’m Sheryl, I’ve been an English Teacher and Head of School for 22 years. I believe that a person should work on developing their professional skills and learning new things all the time, which is why my New Year Goals for 2023 are to practice mindfulness and commit to a healthier sleep routine. Thankfully, because of my Nooie cameras, I now have peace of mind and am able to focus on things other than security, leaving me free time to learn meditation and sleep well!”

    Mukund, Nooie Product Director

    As they say, “product is king” (or queen) and so Mukund has the important responsibility of heading up our product development efforts, from technology to innovations, and more.

    “In 2023, my personal goal is to closely align my habits and routines with mother nature. On the business front, my goal is to grow our nascent software and services business by investing in latest technologies that make our platform intelligent, secure and reliable. My focus will also be to make my geographically distributed team a high-performing cohesive one.”

    We hope 2023 has been off to a great start for you, and you find some inspiration and comfort from these New Year resolutions. We’re sure you have some amazing resolutions of your own, and we wish you the best as you embark on the new year. Let Nooie help you achieve your goals, whenever and wherever possible.